Guided reading for love stargirl
Guided reading for love stargirl

guided reading for love stargirl

Scripture deals openly and frankly with Gomer’s marital infidelity and prostitution.

guided reading for love stargirl

If you’re about to delve in for the first time, prepare to join those of us who have wept, repented, rejoiced, and made new commit-ments to Christ.Ī caution to first-time readers: In this retelling of the biblical story of Hosea and Gomer in an 1800s setting, Francine was faced with some difficult choices. If you’ve read this powerful story before, we believe you will be touched more deeply than you were the first time. Over the past decade, thousands of letters and e-mails to Francine have poured in from people who, after reading this book, experienced life-changing encounters with God’s relentless love, people who felt inspired to love their spouses more, and those who felt the healing touch of true redemption. DON PAPE, Literary Agent, Alive Communications, Inc.Ī N O T E F R O M T H E P U B L I S H E R A wonderful piece of fiction that could be truth for you!” Women, be affirmed in your real worth! Together, discover a God of redeeming love. The story will intrigue you! Men, rediscover the joy and importance of honor. Men and women pick this up! Is it a western or a romance? It doesn’t really matter. “Another great story from Francine Rivers. ANGELA ELWELL HUNT, Angela Hunt Communications, Seminole, FL This may be the single most moving book you will read this year-or in your lifetime.” My heart and soul were profoundly shaken as I realized anew the lessons portrayed through the stories of Hosea and Gomer, Michael and Angel. Redeeming Love does all of the above and so much more. Some books teach me, others entertain me, others thrill me by carrying me to worlds far away. “One of the most important things I do as a writer is read-a lot.

guided reading for love stargirl

LIZ CURTIS HIGGS, author of The Parable of the Lily, Louisville, KY You cannot read this book and not be changed.” Michael Hosea is the consummate hero Angel, in one way or another, is every woman who has ever lived without love. Steeped in Scripture and filled with grace, it is a masterpiece that moves beyond allegory to touch the reader at the deepest level where faith is born. “Simply put, Redeeming Love is the most powerful work of fiction you will ever read. BEVERLY LAHAYE, founder and president of Concerned Women for America and author of bestselling, Spirit-Controlled Women I highly recommend it for a worthwhile and enjoyable read.” “As she carefully reveals God’s love and transforming power in Angel’s life, Francine Rivers has skillfully taken a story out of biblical history and made it relevant for today. STEVE ARTERBURN, New Life Clinics, Laguna Beach, CA “The timeless biblical themes of surrender to God, forgiveness, and unconditional love are beautifully portrayed in this compelling novel, brought to life through unforgettable characters.” PATSY CLAIRMONT, author of Sportin’ a “Tude” Her vivid word-pictures of the pursuing-forgiving love of God thrilled my soul.” “Francine Rivers is one of the most riveting novelists I’ve ever read.

Guided reading for love stargirl